Hasha Humaira
Monday, December 14, 2009
Cepatla masa berlalu ... 7 weeks to go ....
Akhir-akhir ni, baby semakin aktif.. dan ibu semakin memahami rentak baby.. pagi2, baby bangun seaal jam 6 pagi... kicking ibu.... then, baby akan kicked lagi menjelang waktu makan. waktu malam plak, baby aktif bile ibu baring and ucapkan gudnite....
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Fake contractions??
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Trimester terakhir .... 10 weeks to go ...
Friday, November 13, 2009
Pesan buat anakku ....
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Kenduri Doa Selamat ...
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Bayangkan perasaan ibu time ni .... terkedu ... Subhananallah ....
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Kenape perasaan MALAS menguasai diri ??
Sejak kecil lagi, ibu merupakan seorang yang sangat sempoi.... exam?test? ahhh... gamble je..... alasannye mudah.... hanya kite yang tau ape yang terbaik untuk diri kite,kan...
Tapi, Alhamdulillah... walaupun mempunyai satu sifat ini.... ibu masih disayangi Allah swt dan diberi peluang untuk mengecapi alam pendidikan ke tahap yang lebih tinggi ... Mungkin rezeki ibu kot... Mak kepada ibu (Tok) pernah kate kat cikgu sekolah, "sy tak tau dah nak wat camne ngan die.... abang2, kakak2 lain rajin... bile turn die.... homework tak pernah wujud".... huhu.... hakikatnye.... ibu yang MALAS nak wat homework.... so, ckpla xde homework.... Sebab itu la... setiap kalu peperiksaan umum, ibu hanya mendapat result yang cukup makan.... tak pernah ade result yang sangat membanggakan atau mengujakan ..... (hehe... tapi ibu pernah jadi best sudent sekolah tau ... haha.. sangat kebetulan.... dah rezeki.. sebenarnye tak layak pun...)
bercerita pasal sifat kurang rajin ibu ni.... di saat perut mengembang dan membesar, ibu menjadi makin tidak rajin.... entahla kenape... Even, nak jemur baju kat ampaian pun mengambil mase 2 hari kat dalam strainer... padahal 3 helai je pun.... Bukan niat untuk membela diri, tapi sebenarnya ibu sangat tidak larat untuk bergerak ke sana-sini....
Balik je kerja... ibu akan berpusing2 di atas tilam.. tergolek2 sambil membelek majalah... Usai mandi, solat... ibu terus tido.... sehinggalah ibu terjage untuk pee. Maklumla.. sejak baby membesar ni, urine ibu tak pernah kosong kat dalam bladder. tak minum air pun, asyik penuh jugak.... Satu malam tu... 3-4 kali la jugak menjenguk kamar mandi.... huhu....
Kat ofis pulak.. sebenarnye banyak sangat task need to be completed... tapi.. entahla.. ibu lagi suke membuka forum harian.... sambil makan2 .... nak buat camne... mood untuk buat kerja tu susah nak dapat.... Aduiiii... tapi.. apepun ibu tetap kene pastikan, kerja ibu siap.... ibu taknak la tinggalkan POLISAS (SELAMANYA (permohonan tukar ke PKKT hanya akan diketahui hujung bulan Disember) ATAU HANYA 3 BULAN)... dengan kerja yang menimbun.. Baby, doakan ibu bersemangat ye.... ibu sebenarnye asyik menghitung hari je... tak sabar nak jumpe baby.. tapi sebelum jumpe baby kene siapkan keje dulu... AAAArrrrrgggghhhhhhHHH.....
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Cabaran PJJ
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Tekanan darah rendah??
Dulu, zaman muda2... ibu pernah disahkan mengalami tekanan darah rendah ... tapi bile gi check up biase, tekanan darah ok je.... so, macam mane??
Sehingga kini, wpun bukan di bulan puase... ibu tetap mengalami masalah yang sama ... terasa bagai nak pitam setiap pagi ... susah kan macam ni ... kalau ibu kene teaching pada waktu pagi, terpakselah mengharapkan belas ihsan lecturer yang share kelas ....
Sekarang ni, demi menjage kesihatan baby dan ibu, ibu kembali aktif menelan vitamin 4 beradik yang telah ibu abaikan sejak usia kandungan 3 bulan lagi... biarpun ibu seakan MALAS nak menelan ... tapi demi anak ibu yang sorang ni .... telan je laaaa....
* Miss abah sooo much... 2 weeks without abah... buatkan baby tak senang tido ... hehe
Friday, October 2, 2009
Persiapan Jan 2010
- botol susu, nipples
- breast pump
- tilam baby and sewaktu dengannya
- pelapik getah
- baju basahan baby (11.90 sepasang-promotion)
- cloth diapers
- losyen, baby oil and so on
- and much more .....
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Kene TAG
1. Suka memasak?
Memang ibu suka duk dapur and masak.. tetapi disebabkan pendedahan yang kurang sejak kecil membuatkan ibu tidak dikategorikan sebagai orang yang suka masak. Sebagai anak bongsu, ibu tak pernah disuruh memegang sudip, periuk, kuali dsb. So, until 20th, ibu still tak retii masak nasi... (sadisnye....kalu mak mertua baca ni... boleh bawak masalah).... Tetapi, disebabkan dalam jiwa ibu ni ade jugak perasaan suka masak, ibu mula belajar masak dari kawan2 serumah (time wat degree) kat johor, taula sedikit sebanyak teori memasak... (ibu loves theory-based) jadi... ape2 pun ikut teori... nak menumis, kene ade bawang ngn cili ... pahtu...tumis sampai naik bau.. belasahla nak letak ape.. rase sedap... jadi ar tu.... itula teori yang digunakan... bila meningkat dewasa, dah keje, ibu prektis lagi memasak.... yang simple2 je... tomyam, kari (menggunakan rempah kari), sup.... tp.. bile dah kawen.. nak pikat hati abah, ibu belajar la masak ngan mak. belajar buat lauk yang jenis gulai plak... dari situ la.. ibu develop skill memasak ibu.. Alhamdulillah... selera abah kene ngan masakan ibu... sebab tu bile ibu pregnant, abah pun ikut pregnant sekali (hehe..jangan marah)....
2.Masakan istimewa anda untuk yang tersayang adalah..
Erm... masakan istimewa..... tak taula.. since kami berPJJ.... so, ibu sebenarnye jarang masak untuk abah... pernah cube masak siakap sweet sour.. tp malangnye.. time nak masak, ibu plak tak larat... so, yang agak2 masakan ibu yang paling abah berselera makan is Sup Ayam + Daging ala Thai. berselera benor ibu tengok abah makan... kene plak dengan sambal belacan dan daging goreng kunyit... Masakan biase2 je.. tp menepati selera abah.. Alhamdulillah.... harap baby pun suke ibu masak nati...
3.Makanan istimewa yang anda suka waktu Raya? Kenapa?
Nasi Ayam masakan bonda. Entahla kenape... tapi, setiap kali raya.. tu la juadah teristimewa... ade jiran kat rumah tu.. lepas sembahyang raya terus datang rumah sebab nak makan Nasi Ayam masakan mak. Hari tu, mengidam... nak makan nasi ayam... Abah cakap beli je la.. kalu nak buat sendiri... membazir je kalau sorang makan... tp, tak lalu makan yang dibeli tu.. tetap nak yang Mak buat.. at last, abah datang hantar masakan Mak tu.. lega.... boleh makan... siap menambah berkali-kali lagi...
4.Kuih raya kegemaran anda dan si dia?
Kami berdua makan je.... semua yang sedap kami gemar...tp, ibu suka pergi beraye rumah Mak Teh (ibu saudara), biskut raya kat umah Mak teh semuanya colourful dan sedap2 belake. nati bile dah dapat tukar ke kg halaman, ibu nak berguru ngan Mak Teh la... nati boleh la baby makan biskut raya buatan ibu,kan...
5.Tayang sikit gambar masakan dari anda..hehe..
nak tayang? erm.. takleh la... tak pernah ambik gambar masakan sendiri... yang ibu tau, bile masakan tu dah masak, ibu mesti nak makan jeeeee...takde tungggu2 nak bergambar dulu
itula sedikit sebanyak yang ibu boleh kongsi.....
nak kene Tag orang lain ke....??? erm..sape2 je laaaa
Tp, bes gak kalu ofismate ibu yang duk kat TK tu (bawak kete C** 2525)..hehe
He is my SON,She is my DAUGHTER
Tu pun sebab nak temankan ofismate ibu yang tengah bleeding (maybe implantation punye blood-same kes ngan ibu sewaktu awal kehamilan), ibu join sekali... call abah, abah cakap ON je... boleh scan tanpa kehadiran suami disisi... so..ibu decided untuk scan nak tahu jantina ...
Kalau sebelum ni, kami sering gelarkan baby dalam perut ibu ni as Hafiyhasya... starting from today, bolehla ibu gelarkan dengan nama yang lebih spesifik... sebabnya.. Dr kat klinik tu dah confirmkan jantina baby... Alhamdulillah.. Kami terima setiap pemberian Allah swt dengan hati yang lapang ...
Dari segi development baby, semuanya OK. Kate Dr, baby sangat sihat...sebab development ikut schedule. jadi, takde problem la.... Kebetulan tadi, time tengah scan, baby tengah tido... lenanya buah hati ibu tido... tapi kaki baby asyik bergerak je.... mengigau ke, sayang??
Apepun... ibu sangat bahagia tengok anak ibu tadi... rasa makin tak sabar nak jumpa di penghujung Januari nanti .... I love my baby ... I love My baby's daddy toooooooo ....
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Mengandung ... banyak kelebihannya...
Kalau dulu, naik public transport... takkan ada manusia yang akan kesiankan pada wanita muda remaja (like me...)bawa la barang banyak mana pun.. sampai senget sebelah bahu.... belum tentu ada insan yang tampil memberi bantuan...(paling tidak bagi tempat duduk) ... tetapi berbeza apabila memakai maternity dress... (my very 1st time pakai the baju....) tak perlu pun beratur panjang2 untuk naik monorel...
Friday, August 14, 2009
Little Boy or Baby Girl
Me myself eagerly want a baby girl.... Differ to my hubby, he wants a little boy badly... so...how? Actually, we both do agree that we do don't really mind whether our first child is boy or girl... As long as he/she in a good condition, healthy .... he/she still permata hidup us ....
We've got different opinion on this. My hubby wants a boy because the first boy can take care of the adik-adik (seems like we're going to have tooooo many children.... haha). For me myself, I needs a girl for the first child because, i want to make her up... (ikat her rambut, pakaikan pinky stuff to her and so on... look at the shopping mall.... baju2 untuk girls very nice... tp untuk boys.... huhu... ultraman, upin ipin, transformer.... boring aaaa)
Apepun, whoever he/she is..... it is our first child.... buah hati cinta kami yang pertama.... have been so long waiting for he/she ..... kami sangat inginkan baby ni..... girl or boy .... kami terima ... and promise to give all my love to our baby ..... InsyaAllah.....
Next baby?...tunggula...yg ni pun tak kuar lagi.... huhu....
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Rutin makan ibu ...
Bagi ibu hafiyhasha..... sehingga kini ibu masih tak tahu... ape jenis makanan yang boleh menyelerakan ibu.... tp yang pasti kalau ibu balik kg (Losong), ibu boleh makan ape saje... biasela... masakan ibu kan... tak mampu perut nak tolak... asyik nganga je mulut...
Rutin ibu di kala kejauhan dari kg.... pagi2 lagi..ibu akan minum air putih separuh gelas.... sambil tu telan spirulina (elken) 5 biji.... tunggu 5 minit.... ibu pun start pagi ngan kurma (3 biji). sambil2 tu ibu bancuh susu enfamama perisa vanilla secawan.... tunggu suam2 kuku...ibu pun minum la susu tu.... penting untuk keperluan kalsium bayi.. lagipun susu tu dah contain asid folik... so, tak rase bersalah sangat bile tak telan pil kuning yg dr bagi tu (acid folic).
bile dah kat ofis... mula la mengarut2 makanan yang masuk perut ibu...
biasenya... jemput2, pulut panggang (pulut lepe..org ganu panggil) dan beberapa kuih yang berkenan di hati.... makanan lain dari tu... semua tolak tepi.... ibu tak mampu nak telan...
Tengah hari pulak... bile tengok orang makan nasi ngan seleranya... rse jeles yang menebal... try la ambik nasi jugak.. tapi biasenye akan berakhir dengan pembaziran.... so, ibu decided takkan ambik nasi tgh hari lagi.... kalu nak ambik pun... sejemput je.....
Bertahanla ibu sampai petang macam tu....
Malam pulak...biasenye lepas magrib, ibu makan 7 biji kismis, 5 biji spirulina dan air panas.... air panas tu biasenye susu atau oligo coco atau milo....
Nila rutin makan ibu setiap hari.... kan bes kalu abah ade bersama... boleh ibu makan roti nan setiap hari..... rindu jugak nak makan bakso kat depan stadium... biasenye kalau abah ade,mesti ibu ajak abah makan kat situ....... tapi..... apekan daya... abah bukannye setiap hari di kuantan.....
Seksanya mengandung tanpa suami disisi... tp Alhamdulillah.. abah..walaupun kejauhan sentiasa memberi sokongan padu buat ibu.. kadang2..abah lagi ecited dari ibu nak jumpe hafiyhasha.....
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Klinik Perancangan Keluarga di Jabatan ...
Setentang ngan meja ibu hafiyhasha pun...preggy women jugak... Due date pun lebih kurang ngan hafiyhasha... entah2 nati lahir hari yang sama.. mane nak tau,kan....
Sekarang ni ibu tengah promotekan www.ratuhati.com kat kawan2... kat situ banyak info yang diperolehi... ibu pun banyak dapat info pasal kehamilan kat situ...Kepada yang merancang untuk memperolehi cahaya mata....boleh mencuba kalendar kesuburan kat website ni... mudah untuk difahami... dan mudah untuk diprektikkan....hehe..
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Lamenye ibu tak menulis ...
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Clear Blue Pregnancy Test
Aku guna Tester ni ...
Cukup puas hati...
Clearblue Pregnancy Test with Colour Change Tip offers you 7 signs of certainty:
- Accurate – No test is more accurate - 99% accurate from the day your period is due
- Sensitive and Early - can be used up to 4 days before your period is due2
- Clear – the only test to give clear (+) and (-) results
- Fast – gives your result in just 2 minutes
- Easy to use – the Colour Change Tip and the control window show the test is working
- Doctor Recommended – Brand most recommended by doctors
How do I knew that I am preggy?
Are u really sure that u r?
huhu.... tak susah kan sekarang ni...
zaman serba moden ni... macam2 alat yang dicipta untuk tujuan perubatan...
Seawal usia 4-5 minggu,
dr dah boleh sahkan kehamilan seseorang menggunakan UPT (Urine Pregnancy Test).
Ujian Kehamilan Pertama :
Di waktu subuh yang hening, ketika terjaga dari tido... terasa nak pee... alang2..grab terus clear blue pregnancy test... baca doa dulu....
Aggghhhh...lega.... Alhamdulillah... menunjukkan '+'
Kejutkan hubby, mintak kepastian....
sah '+'
Ujian Kehamilan kedua :
Hari yang sama, nak kepastian... nak gi klinik jumpa Dr. hubby mintak sahkan sekali lagi.
Nasib baik beli dua tester. Bacaan '+'... Alhamdulillah...
Ujian Kehamilan Ketiga :
Sampai je klinik, register,
jumpa Dr. pergi toilet, ambik Urine...
Dr plak checked....
Tahniah, puan mengandung
Ujian Kehamilan Keempat :
Hari yang sama jugak...
(sehinggakan aku kene water dripping sebab dah terlalu banyak pee...)
Dr mintak sample urine,
checked kat lab GH,
"Akak, UPT menunjukkan yang akak positive mengandung"
Kata Dr muda itu ...
Ujian Kehamilan Kelima :
Bukan lagi menggunakan UPT, tapi menggunakan ujian darah.
BHcg Test (betul ke)....
Keputusannya... bacaan 759
Ape tu? Aku pun tak faham....
Tapi kata Dr. Huda, bacaan ni menunjukkan
aku pregnant 4 minggu ++...
Hafiy Hasya is 5.6 mm
Good news from Dr Huda (o&g Clinic)
" Kantung dah nampak..kat dalam rahim"
"dah 5.6mm panjangnye....."
Sambung Dr huda lagi ....
Alhamdulillah.... rasa bersyukur sangat... sebabnya... last weekend, Dr yang mengesahkan aku preggy suspek aku mengalami ectopic (kandungan luar rahim).... sebabnya aku rasa sakit kat bawah perut.... Then, kene refer tu GH... Wit my hubby.... without hesitation... pergi ke Emergency Department... scan, tak nampak ape2....
Takut, gelisah, sedih, gembira.....
bercampur baur ....
Then, aku warded....
nasib baik hubby di sisi... thanks a lot to my hubby...
endless support from u
give me encourage....
Kat ward, scan lagi....
tak nampak jugak... aku dah mengalir air mata....
hubby tenteramkan aku...
pujuk aku...
" time ni utk kita honeymun lagi.... tak sampai 2 bulan pun lg kite nikah"
"banyak masa lagi"
Kecewa, sedih, frust menonggeng......
Kupujuk hati.... lepas ni usaha lagi!!!
Aja aja fighting !!!
Lepas 3 hari, aku bleeding....
Argh.... anakibu... ibu belum bersedia untuk berpisah ngan anak ibu...
pleaseeee... be strong sayang....
anak ibu nak jumpe ibu,kan ..........
Pergi Klinik.....
Early Pregnancies Symptoms....
Tp perlu beware
Kalau bleeding dengan banyaknya....
Sakit yang tak tertanggung....
Terus ke GH...
-Nasihat Dr. Azizan-
And, today....
good news... dah nampak kantung baby....
tapi masih terlalu awal...
Doakan baby ku selamat....
Appoinmnt Kat Klinik O&G,
10 Jun 2009
Nak tgk progress kantung ...
Pesanan Dr Huda ...
"kalau bleeding, sakit pelik2 terus datang GH"
Dalam hati ....
" I will Dr. sy dah terlanjur sayang pada "kantung" itu"
-Ibu Hafiy Hasha-
Teeny tiny baby steps
Fetal development in pregnancy week 5:
Embryo in second month
The changes to your growing embryo are not quite as drastic this week as they've been in the last few weeks. Growth is now largely focused on their little head, which is starting to develop much more rapidly than the rest of their tiny body. This is because their amazing brain is undergoing some very crucial and rapid development in order to effectively regulate their heart rate, blood circulation, and other vital functions. As for the rest of their miniature body, what were simple limb buds last week are limb flippers this week and the tail is more expressed. Amazingly, within a mere five weeks your little miracle is already developing the rudimentary forms of their liver, pancreas, lungs, stomach and nasal pits while their little heart is already increasing its circulation. Your baby is now a whopping 4-6mm in length.
And how's mom doing? Your body is still adjusting to the increased amount of hormones and you are probably pretty much experiencing the same symptoms as last week. Still, some women will start feeling the joys of morning sickness set in this week (see Week 4 for specific symptom details). Don’t worry if your areolas are make sure you fully cook all your meat, wash your fruits and veggies clean, keep away from cat litter and wear gloves if you’re going to work with any soil. darkening this is a perfectly normal response to the hormonal changes in your body.
Source : babygaga.com
Wag that tail!
Fetal development in pregnancy week 4:
Embryo in first month
By the end of this week the round and pointy ends of your little pear-shaped baby will be slightly more exaggerated and their body will look more like that of a miniature manatee. Despite your baby not looking particularly human without any eyes, ears or mouth, the earliest developments of what will become the larynx, internal ear, and eye lens are already forming, although you’d have to be a trained expert to recognize them for what they’re going to be in the future. Likewise, tiny bumps are forming on your little embryo which will eventually be their cute little arms, elbows, fingers, legs, knees and toes. What’s more your little swimmer will have a teeny tiny tail by the end of this week-- but don’t worry, it’s just the end of their developing spinal cord! A microscopic photo would reveal what seems to be their vertebrae filling out the spine and tail. Although they aren’t bones yet, but rather, the “bone seeds” that will give rise to your baby's tiny vertebrae, ribs and sternum.
And how's mom doing? This week is not unlike the previous weeks; your pregnancy symptoms may be increasing, as expected. In fact, the earliest symptoms of morning sickness may set in for some women at this time. The not-so-lovely symptoms run the normal flu gamut including: nausea and vomiting. Although this typically the whole reason for morning sickness: to clear your system of any toxic food by-products which—although fine for your adult stomach, could cause considerable harm to your baby’s newly forming digestive tract and other body systems occurs in the morning and resolves itself by midday, morning sickness can come at any time, day or night, so—for some of you, you’ll just have to make frequent stops throughout the day to kneel before the porcelain throne. In general, most pregnant women don’t experience morning sickness until their sixth week, but it never hurts to know what vomit-y fate may be awaiting you.
Morning sickness is due to several changes that are taking place in your body. First, you are now pumping out significantly larger amounts of estrogen and progesterone than normal, and your body is not used to this. Interactions between the hormones and your stomach result in the less-than-wonderful nausea. Also, your GI-tract is much more sensitive and some doctors theorize that this sensitivity is potentially the whole reason for morning sickness: to clear your system of any toxic food by-products which—although fine for your adult stomach, could cause considerable harm to your baby’s newly forming digestive tract and other body systems . If it helps, you could always think of the morning sickness as a baby-facilitated body cleanse.
Source : http://pregnancy.baby-gaga.com
Your teeny tiny miracle pear
Fetal development in pregnancy week 3
Embryo in first month
Although your belly is still the same size and shape as it was pre-pregnancy, a plethora of amazing and dynamic changes are taking place despite this fact. Right now your little zygote is already 1.5 – 2.5mm in size. This is quite a change from the microscopic pack of cells you had just two weeks ago. Your microscopic little one is already composed of three complex “germ” layers: the ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm. Although you could hardly see them at this point, these layers are the beginnings of your baby's nervous system and brain, stomach and inner organs, and skeleton and connective tissue. Your baby is also starting to take on recognizable physical dimensions somewhat comparable to a very tiny pear. The round part of the pear will eventually become the head and the pointy part will be the spine. Perhaps the best part of this week is that somewhere around the 21st day, your miraculous little pear will have a beating heart, although the heart chambers and valves will not be completely developed for another couple weeks.
And how's mom doing? You may be expressing many of the same symptoms as last week: fatigue, swollen breasts and frequent urination. This is to be expected and is nothing to worry about. Don’t panic if you gradually lose some of the symptoms, or trade one set of symptoms for another-- this is also totally normal. Many Calcium is an essential vitamin during the pregnancy as your body will strip calcium from your bones to build the bones of your baby if you don’t have enough supplemental calcium in your system doctors recommend starting a prenatal vitamin early on in the pregnancy. Yep, now is the perfect time to begin! For those of you with lactose intolerance, practicing vegans and vegetarians, as well as women with a history of substance abuse, chronic disease, or the minority who are expecting twins (or more!), you are in even higher need of a prenatal vitamin to supplement and fend off the all-too-easy nutrient deficiencies you're prone to experience in your pregnancy. Calcium is an essential vitamin during the pregnancy as your body will strip calcium from your bones to build the bones of your baby if you don’t have enough supplemental calcium in your system. This is also a critical reason older women are so much more prone to osteoporosis: they simply didn't get enough calcium during their child-bearing years. Contact your primarey health care giver or local health food store nutritionist to identify the correct vitamin(s) for you and your baby.
And we're on our way!
Fetal development in pregnancy week 2:embryo in first month Your little blastocyst is now separating into two distinct parts: the amniotic cavity (or yolk sac) and the embryo (your baby-to-be). The yolk sac’s main job is to protect and nourish your baby until the placenta is fully formed. Right now, the placenta is just beginning to take shape, but won’t be complete for another 8 weeks or so. The beginnings of the umbilical cord are visible and partly functional, although it is still not fully formed.
And how's mom doing? Even if you’re not aware of your pregnancy yet, in retrospect it will be of no surprise that you’re feeling more groggy than usual. If you think about it: your body is working extra hard getting together all the necessary plans and materials to house a growing breathing human being! You may also find your body is working extra hard getting together all the necessary plans and materials to house a growing breathing human being! that your breasts are a little swollen and tender and you may be urinating more frequently. These are all common early-pregnancy symptoms. At this point your body is producing copious amounts of the hormone Beta-hCG (Beta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin – just use the acronym), which increases estrogen and progesterone output and are the hormones that yield a positive pregnancy test were you to take one. Now would be a good time to schedule an appointment with your family physician or gynecologist for positive confirmation. In the meantime, you should make every effort to keep your newly pregnant-self as healthy and happy as possible. This means: NO alcohol, NO tobacco, NO caffeine (NO lattes!), NO recreational drugs and try to stay away from highly stressful events as much as possible. You are now responsible for the ongoing health and well being of a vulnerable little tiny human-to-be who's health and well-being are dependent on YOU and your behavior for the next 9 months.
Source : http://pregnancy.baby-gaga.com
In the beginning .....
Fetal development in pregnancy week 1:
embryo in first month It’s been a momentous past couple of days—even if you don’t know it yet. At some point roughly 1.5 – 3.5 million sperm took aim at your fallopian tubes and one superior little seed hit the target spot on. The now fertilized egg is still inside your fallopian tube and is already merging with the sperm to become a zygote. Cell multiplication is occuring at an astonishingly rapid rate. Your little zygote will spend the next 7-10 days dividing and multiplying as they slowly descend into the uterus, where it will nestle into the already cozy blood-rich uterine wall. The implantation process may result in a little spotting for some, caused by the sloughing off of uterine wall at the implantation site. This is perfectly natural and not a cause for concern. When your little zygote is finally implanted, it is a blastocyst measuring about 0.1 – 0.2 mm. This will be your baby’s spatially-challenged home for the next 38-40 weeks.
And how's mom doing? Your body is clever enough to recognizing this dynamic little zygote and is already producing Early Pregnancy Factor (EPF) protein, an immunosuppressant which will effectively keep your body from rejecting your growing zygote. What’s more, you’ll continue to produce estrogen and progesterone ceasing You won’t ... express any other of the main symptoms of pregnancy at this point, but ... soon your hormones will be fluctuating more intensely than any other time in your life. further ovulation. You won’t feel nauseous or express any other of the main symptoms of pregnancy at this point, but get ready: soon your hormones will be fluctuating more intensely than any other time in your life and you and everyone close to you will be noticing. If you’ve been planning this pregnancy and have been monitoring your morning basal body temperature, you will see that your temperature remains elevated beyond day 16 of your Luteal Phase (post ovulation). This will be the first physiological sign that you’re pregnant!
Source : http://pregnancy.baby-gaga.com
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